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Abstract Details

Evaluation of the NEDA (No Evidence of Disease Activity) measure for predicting long-term outcomes from the pivotal trial of interferon beta-1b in multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis
Lack of disease activity is thought to be an important endpoint in clinical trials. Follow-up from the randomized trial of interferon beta-1b (IFNB-1b) in RRMS can be used to assess the importance of NEDA in predicting long-term outcomes.
NEDA was defined in two ways; 1) no relapses and no new T2-active lesions since Baseline during the first 2 years of treatment, and no confirmed 1-point EDSS progression by Year 2 (standard); and 2) no relapses and no EDSS worsening from Baseline to Year 2 (clinical). NDOs were death, need for a wheelchair, progression to unremitting EDSS ≥6, or secondary progressive MS after Year 2.
Following the randomized trial, 245 and 371/376 total patients were evaluated at 16 and 21 years, respectively. At 16 years, standard NEDA did not predict NDO. By contrast, clinical NEDA did predict NDO (p=0.0029), as did baseline EDSS (p=0.0033) with a trend for change in 3rd ventricular size from Baseline to Year 2 (p=0.0854). Neither definition of NEDA was significantly associated with cognitive performance at Year 16. Standard NEDA did not predict survival after 21 years. By contrast, there was a trend for clinical NEDA to predict time to death (p=0.0865), as did IFNB-1b treatment (p=0.0251), relapse rate in the 2 years prior to study start (p=0.0260), T2-BOD at Baseline (p=0.0014), and change in T2-BOD from Baseline to Year 2 (p=0.0129).
Although clinical NEDA did predict long-term outcomes, this effect was not seen for standard NEDA, which included measures of T2-activity. Thus, the MRI measures of T2-BOD and 3rd ventricular size (atrophy) may be more useful than T2-activity as predictors of outcomes.
Douglas S. Goodin, MD (Univ of Calif at San Francisco) No disclosure on file
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