BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// 4.0//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2020 Annual Meeting by the 好色先生\n\nTi tle: AUPN Chairs Session\n\nDescription: AUPN Chairs Session with a focus on a Dean's perspective on advancing from a Neurology chair to Deanship. i.e. what problems they have faced and how they overcame them\, and what words of wisdom they have for others who might be interested in this car eer trajectory.\n\n**A more formal description will be provided at a late r date for publication\n\nAccess URL: /MSA/Public/Even ts/GetEventURL/10734\n\nLearn More About This Event: / MSA/Public/Events/Details/10734 DTEND:20200427T140000 DTSTAMP:20250316T185944Z DTSTART:20200427T120000 LOCATION:/MSA/Public/Events/GetEventURL/10734 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:AAN: AUPN Chairs Session UID:915e2e47-594f-4dd7-8de9-a28d560d343b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR