BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// 4.0//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:2020 Annual Meeting by the ΊΓΙ«ΟΘΙϊ\n\nTi tle: University of Cincinnati Department of Neurology Alumni & Friends Re ception\n\nDescription: Each year at the AAN meeting\, we have a receptio n for our faculty and former faculty\, residents/fellows and former resid ents/fellows\, and friends of the department to network. \n\nAccess URL: /MSA/Public/Events/GetEventURL/13236\n\nLearn More Ab out This Event: /MSA/Public/Events/Details/13236 DTEND:20200428T193000 DTSTAMP:20250315T221258Z DTSTART:20200428T180000 LOCATION:/MSA/Public/Events/GetEventURL/13236 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:AAN: University of Cincinnati Department of Neurology Alumni & Fri ends Reception UID:4164694b-760f-4978-9ccd-6755cfe2eebb END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR