Abstract Details
Ricardo C. Reisin, MD
(Hospital Britanico)
Dr. Reisin has nothing to disclose. |
Julieta V. Mazziotti, MD (Hospital Britanico De Buenos AiresDepartment of Neurology) | No disclosure on file |
Luciana V. Leon Cejas, MD (Hospital Britanico) | Dr. Leon Cejas has nothing to disclose. |
No disclosure on file | |
Pablo Bonardo, MD | Dr. Bonardo has nothing to disclose. |
No disclosure on file | |
No disclosure on file | |
No disclosure on file | |
Sebastian F. Ameriso, MD | Dr. Ameriso has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for PHRI. Dr. Ameriso has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Bayer, Boehringer, Abbott, AstraZeneca. |
Eduardo R. Bendersky, MD | No disclosure on file |
Pedro G. Nofal, MD | No disclosure on file |
Patricia L. Cairola, MBBS (Hospital Durand) | No disclosure on file |
Lorena Jure, MD (Merck Serono Argentina) | No disclosure on file |
No disclosure on file | |
No disclosure on file | |
No disclosure on file | |
Ignacio F. Casas-Parera, MD, PhD, FAAN | Dr. Casas-Parera has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. |
No disclosure on file |