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Abstract Details

Depletion of memory B cells is effective to prevent relapses in AQP4 antibody NMOSD but not in MOG antibody disorder
Autoimmune Neurology
S43 - Immunotherapies and Drug Trials in Autoimmune Neurological Disorders (3:41 PM-3:52 PM)
To assess if monitoring of memory B cells is relevant to individualize the frequency of rituximab administration in MOG-antibody disorder as previously demonstrated for AQP4-antibody disorder.
16 adult patients with MOG-antibody disorder and 29 adult patients with AQP4-antibody disorder were included in a prospective monocentric observational study. All patients were treated with rituximab using an individualized dosing schedule according to memory B cells count. Memory B cells were measured monthly from the second month after rituximab infusion and in case of relapse. Memory B cells were considered to be depleted if their frequency was less than 0.05% in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by flow cytometric analysis. Relapses, memory B cells count during relapses and EDSS were collected.
Mean follow-ups were 38 months (13-79) in AQP4-positive patients and 19 months (9-38) in MOG-positive patients. After rituximab initiation, 13 relapses occurred in 7 out of 29 AQP4-positive patients (24%). In MOG-positive patients, 10 relapses occurred in 6 out of 16 patients (37.5%). While memory B cells have reemerged in 12 out of 13 relapses (92.5%) occurring in AQP4-positive patients, they have reemerged in only 2 out of 10 relapses (20%) occurring in MOG-positive patients (p<0.001). These relapses occurred after a median time of 2.6 months (range 0.6 - 5.8), since the last infusion, in MOG positive patients, and 7 months (range 0.8 - 13) in AQP4 positive patients (p < 0.001).
Identification of patients with short reemergence of memory B cells occurring before 6 months appears relevant to improve the efficacy of rituximab in AQP4-antibody disorder but not in MOG-antibody disorder where most relapses occur despite accurate depletion of memory B cells. This argues for a distinct pathophysiological mechanisms underlying relapses in MOG- vs AQP4-antibody disorder providing another clue to individualize MOG-antibody disorder as a novel disease entity.
Pierre Durozard (APHM)
No disclosure on file
Audrey Rico Lamy (Hopital Timone Adultes) No disclosure on file
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Adil Maarouf Adil Maarouf has nothing to disclose.
Jean Pelletier, MD, PhD (Dpt of Neurology, CHU Timone) Dr. Pelletier has nothing to disclose.
Bertrand Audoin No disclosure on file