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Abstract Details

TBI and PTSD are associated with higher risk of Ischemic Stroke in veteran population: VA retrospective study
Cerebrovascular Disease and Interventional Neurology
S40 - Stroke Risk Factors and Epidemiology (4:25 PM-4:36 PM)
TBI and PTSD are associated with chronic vascular inflammation and an increased risk of chronic multisystem dysfunction including metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction which increases the future risk of cerebrovascular events.
To assess the future risk of ischemic stroke in veterans with Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Using VA national database, we conducted a retrospective cohort study of veterans who received care in VHA from December 1998 to May 2014 and were diagnosed with PTSD alone, TBI alone or both. Univariate, multivariate, propensity-score matched, and survival analyses were conducted on the cohorts to determine and compare the incidences and hazard ratios (HR) for incident ischemic stroke in the three diagnosis groups.

Of 1,339,937 veterans diagnosed with PTSD, TBI or both, we excluded those with missing data on matching variables and those whose diagnosis of ischemic stroke preceded PTSD and/or TBI diagnosis. Final cohort comprises of 922,892 veterans: PTSD (800,555), TBI (63,219), both (59,118). The incidence of ischemic stroke was significantly higher in the TBI group (6,865; 11.61%) compared to PTSD (36,337; 4.54%) and both (4,130; 6.53%). The cohort was analyzed in three groups TBI vs. PTSD, PTSD+TBI vs. PTSD, and PTSD+TBI vs. TBI with calculation of adjusted HR, which was 2.076 (1.989-2.167, p<0.0001), 2.166 (2.046-2.292, p<0.0001) and 1.060 (1.008-1.113, p=0.0216) respectively. The analysis was adjusted for demographics, cardiovascular risk factors, various comorbid conditions and relevant medications. Kaplan Meier curves were plotted to compare the time to events among these groups. 


TBI is associated with higher risk of ischemic stroke compared to PTSD.  TBI and PTSD together further increases this risk. Large scale population based prospective studies would be needed to further investigate this.

Shamik Shah, MBBS (Stormont Vail Health, NeuroHospitalist Program)
Dr. Shah has nothing to disclose.
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Hemant Thakur No disclosure on file
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Ram Sharma Ram Sharma has nothing to disclose.
Mukut Sharma The institution of Mukut Sharma has received research support from Midwest Veterans' Biomedical Research Foundation.
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Vikas Singh, MD (Kansas City VA Medical Center, Department of Neurology) Dr. Singh has nothing to disclose.