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Abstract Details

Reduction in Healthcare Resource Utilization in Patients Treated With OnabotulinumtoxinA for Chronic Migraine: Results From the REPOSE Study
S38 - Headache: Clinical Trials II (2:06 PM-2:17 PM)
CM is associated with substantial disability, HRU, and economic burden.
To assess healthcare resource utilization (HRU) in patients treated with onabotulinumtoxinA for chronic migraine (CM) in a European sample, with a focus on German patients.
REPOSE is a 2-year, multicenter, prospective, noninterventional, open-label study that describes the real-world use of onabotulinumtoxinA in adults with CM. Enrolled patients received onabotulinumtoxinA for CM approximately every 12 weeks. HRU data, including visits to a healthcare professional (HCP; any reason), accident and emergency (A&E) visits (any reason), and hospital admittance for headache, were collected at baseline and at each treatment session. All variables were summarized descriptively as mean (SD) or counts (percentages).
A total of 641 patients were enrolled; 633 received ≥1 dose of onabotulinumtoxinA for CM. Mean age was 45 years; 85% were female; 60% were German. At baseline, 45.8%, 6.3%, and 6.0% of patients reported HCP visits, A&E visits, and hospital admittance for headache, respectively. Reductions from baseline were reported at each follow-up session for HCP visits (range: 12.5%-20.8%), A&E visits (range: 1.0%-2.4%), and hospital admittance for headache (range: 0.4%-1.7%). Within the German subgroup, at baseline 35.8%, 2.1%, and 4.2% reported HCP visits, A&E visits, and hospital admittance for headache, respectively. At each follow-up session, decreases were recorded in HCP visits (range: 7.4%-13.4%), A&E visits (range: 0.0%-0.8%), and hospital admittance for headache (range: 0.7%-2.1%).
Real-world findings from REPOSE demonstrate that CM treatment with onabotulinumtoxinA is associated with a reduction in HRU, including HCP visits (any reason), A&E visits (any reason), and hospital admittance (headache). Similar trends in HRU reductions were observed between the total sample and the German subgroup. Combined, these data support the long-term benefits associated with the use of onabotulinumtoxinA for CM in clinical practice.

No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Michael Kiszka (Praxis) No disclosure on file
Katherine Sommer Katherine Sommer has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of AbbVie. Katherine Sommer has stock in AbbVie.
Justin S. Yu No disclosure on file