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Abstract Details

Clinical, Biological, Imaging and Genetic Repository C-BIGR; An Integrated Approach to Biobanking in the Context of Open Science
General Neurology
S51 - General Neurology: Models of Clinical Care and Disease (1:36 PM-1:48 PM)
The ability for physicians to treat patients with neurological disease is often limited by the incomplete understanding of how and why these diseases arise and why they behave the way they do.  To improve our knowledge, C-BIGr will help to better assess that biology and its impact under treatments.
The objective of the Montreal Neurological Institute’s Open Science Clinical Biological Imaging and Genetic Repository (C-BIGr) is to collect biological material as well as clinical and imaging information from patients and research participants in order to enable cutting edge research projects that will advance our understanding of neurological diseases and human health.

All materials received are identified by a global unique identifier (GUID) to keep patient identity and data coded.  All material is prepared and stored according to C-BIG SOPs; open and registered access data is available to researchers and industries via an online-encrypted database.  Data with a higher risk of re-identification will be considered controlled access data.  Researchers and industries will be encouraged to return results to the repository.

Each research proposal is evaluated for its scientific and ethics validation to ensure that the donor’s anonymity is respected.  Since 2016, material and data from more than 1,000 donors are available in the repository.  Biological materials such as PBMC, CSF, DNA and more have been collected as well as imaging and genetic data.  Researchers and industries have used our biological material and returned to us data and IPSC cell lines.
The C-BIG Repository hopes to improve and facilitate the material and data collection under the Open Science principles.  The long-term goal is to develop a comprehensive collection of data and samples on a diverse array of neurological conditions, helping to contribute to global translational neuroscience research by increasing collaboration with researchers and industries.

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