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Abstract Details

Cognitive Determinants in Isolated REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: a Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Approach
S3 - Sleep Medicine: Highlights 2020 (2:24 PM-2:36 PM)
iRBD has been related to poorer cognitive performances and to higher frequency of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Impairment in executive functions and attention, verbal episodic memory, and visuospatial abilities has been described towards the development of a full-blown dementia (with Lewy Bodies).
To assess cognitive functions in a group of patients with isolated REM sleep behavior disorder (iRBD) and their longitudinal prognostic progression.
We enrolled consecutive videopolisomnography-confirmed iRBD (iRBDs) patients referring to our center and age and sex matched controls (HC) in whom RBD was videopolisomnographically excluded. Each subject underwent an evaluation of cognitive performances through validated neuropsychological tests. Additionally, participants underwent a neurological examination, autonomic and odor tests and filled questionnaires for non-motor symptoms. Procedures were performed at baseline (T0), and annually (T1: 12 months, T3: 36 months).
We recruited 29 patients and 26 controls, at T3 5 patients had converted to overt disease (2 PD, 2 prodromal DLB, 1 MSA). At baseline, 17 patients were cognitively normal (CN), 5 had 1 test impaired (CI) and 7 fulfilled the criteria for MCI. iRBDs showed poorer performance than HC in global cognition (FR BMDB - iRBD:1,88±0,64, HC:2,39±0,70; p:0,007), short term verbal (RAVLT IR - iRBD:37,88±7,70, HC:44,00±8,66; p:0,008) and immediate visual memory (IVM - iRBD:19,43±2,28, HC:20,66±1,75; p:0,03), visuo-constructional abilities (SCD - iRBD:10,52±1,62; HC:11,36±1,18; p:0,03) and executive functions (SVAT - iRBD:16,63±2,72, HC:17,93±1,82; p:0,04). Odor and autonomic tests and sleep features CN were not different in CN, CI and MCI patients. At T1 evaluation (14 patients) iRBDs worsened in IVM (T0:19,02±2,11, T1:18,39±1,47; p:0,04) and attention (Stroop Time - T0:20,42±10,39, T1:21,33±11,92, p:0,02). iRBDs became also more apathetic than controls (Apathy scale - iRBD:35,94±6,85, HC:30,07±6,46, p:0,02).
Our results suggest a continuum from HC to CI iRBDs, with sparing of language and impairment of visuospatial function. During progression verbal memory and executive functions get worse in the MCI stage, eventually deteriorating toward dementia.
Luca Baldelli, MD (Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences (DiBiNeM) University of Bologna)
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Giovanna Calandra-Buonaura No disclosure on file
Pietro Guaraldi, MD, PhD (IRCCS Istituto Delle Scienze Neurologiche Di Bologna) No disclosure on file
Pietro Cortelli, MD, FAAN Dr. Cortelli has nothing to disclose.
Federica Provini No disclosure on file