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Abstract Details

Will Expanding the Time Window for Acute Ischemic Stroke Therapy Yield More Treatments?
Cerebrovascular Disease and Interventional Neurology
Jennifer J. Majersik, MD, FAAN (University of Utah) Dr. Majersik has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for Stroke. The institution of Dr. Majersik has received research support from NIH/NINDS. The institution of Dr. Majersik has received research support from NIH/NCATS.
Melinda A. Smith, MPH No disclosure on file
Fen Bao Fen Bao has nothing to disclose.
Darin Zahuranec, MD, BS (University of Michigan Health System) The institution of Dr. Zahuranec has received research support from NIH.
Devin L. Brown, MD, FAAN (CVC) The institution of Dr. Brown has received research support from NIH.
Lewis B. Morgenstern, MD, FAAN (University of Michigan) No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file