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Abstract Details

Race Differences and Do-not-Attempt-Resuscitation Status in Patients with Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage
Cerebrovascular Disease and Interventional Neurology
Sandeep Khot, MD (University of Washington) No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Patricia Oakes, MD An immediate family member of Dr. Oakes has received stock or an ownership interest from 3M. Dr. Oakes has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a survey participant with globalhcare.
No disclosure on file
W. T. Longstreth, Jr., MD, FAAN (Harborview Medical Center) The institution of Dr. Longstreth has received research support from NIH.
Kyra J. Becker, MD No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
David L. Tirschwell, MD, FAAN (Harborview Medical Center) Dr. Tirschwell has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for CARMAT. Dr. Tirschwell has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for AbbVie. The institution of Dr. Tirschwell has received research support from Abbott. The institution of Dr. Tirschwell has received research support from NIH.