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Abstract Details

Translation and validation to Spanish of the diagnostic test ID-Migraine ®
P6 - Poster Session 6 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)

Headache is the most frequent reason for consultation at the neurologist office and migraine is the second most common type. The prevalence of this disease in Latin-America is of 19% of the adult population.  And the diagnosis is performed timely in less than half the cases.

With this problem in mind, the ID-migraine test was developed and validated by Dr. Lipton in 2003 as a valuable tool to increase the diagnostic rate at a primary level. However, no translation and culturalization has been made for the Spanish language in Latino-American population.

This work aims to provide a validated translation following the back-translation and cross-cultural adaption process.

We contacted Dr. Lipton in order to confirm there is no Spanish validated translation for this instrument obtaining confirmation from him and his office that there is no Spanish version of the test. After that we followed the back-translation and culturalization process as published by Osolinz et al, 2020 and Reis 2009.  We created one committee for generating different Spanish versions and another for choosing the final version among them. Finally it was tested in a pilot study for assessing intelligibility amongst patients. Then, a final version was re-translated to English by an official translation service, testing fidelity to the original and backtransalated to Spanish after minor changes.  

The validation in process has yield a sensitivity of 0.917 [0.742 to 0.977], specificity of 0.825 [0.681 to 0.913] and a PPV of 0.759 [0.579 to 0.878]. With Likelihood ratios of: positive 5.24 [2.644 to 10.377] and negative 0.101 [0.027 to 0.384].

We obtained a final translated and cross-culturalized adaptation of the ID-Migraine that represents a trustworthy instrument for diagnosing migraine in first-level health services in Latin-America, useful to improve diagnostic rate and timely referral to a neurologist.

Roberto Rodriguez, MD (CMA)
Dr. Rodriguez has nothing to disclose.
Carlos A. Moreno Martinez, MD (Instituto Nacional de Neurolgia y neurocirugia Manuel Velasco Suarez) Dr. Moreno Martinez has nothing to disclose.