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Abstract Details

Once-Daily Valbenazine Is Effective for Tardive Dyskinesia in Elderly Patients (=65 Years)
Movement Disorders
P6 - Poster Session 6 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)

Older patients (≥55 years) taking a dopamine receptor blocking agent (e.g., antipsychotic) have an increased risk for TD. Valbenazine, a selective and potent vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitor, is the only approved TD treatment with no required dosing adjustments based on age.

To assess treatment outcomes with once-daily valbenazine in elderly patients (≥65 years) with tardive dyskinesia (TD).

Data from two 48-week studies (KINECT 3-extension, KINECT 4) were pooled and analyzed by age (≥65 and <65 years). Analyses based on Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) total score included mean change from baseline (CFB); clinically meaningful response (≥30% improvement [AIMS-30%]); and protocol-defined response (≥50% improvement [AIMS-50%]). Additional analyses included response thresholds for Clinical Global Improvement-Tardive Dyskinesia and Patient Global Impression of Change as follows: rating of “minimally improved” or better (score ≤3) at Week 48 (CGI-TD≤3, PGIC≤3); rating of “much improved” or “very much improved” (score ≤2) at Week 48 (CGI-TD≤2, PGIC≤2).

Treatment outcomes were generally robust in both subgroups. In participants ≥65 years, pooled AIMS results indicated substantial improvements in TD movements with valbenazine 40 mg (n=8) and 80 mg (n=20): mean CFB (-6.4 and -9.8 [for 40 and 80 mg, respectively]); AIMS-30% (75% and 95%); AIMS-50% (75% and 85%). CGI-TD and PGIC response rates indicated that clinician- and patient-reported global improvements were also substantial in elderly study participants: CGI-TD≤3 (88% and 100% [for 40 and 80 mg, respectively]); CGI-TD≤2 (88% and 95%); PGIC≤3 (88% and 100%); PGIC≤2 (75% and 90%).

These are the first analyses to evaluate the long-term effects of any approved TD treatment in patients ≥65 years. Results indicate that in an elderly population, once-daily treatment with valbenazine for 48 weeks resulted in clinically meaningful and substantial TD improvements that were comparable to (or better than) those in the younger cohort.

Eric Jen (Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.)
Eric Jen has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.
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