Data from two 48-week studies (KINECT 3-extension, KINECT 4) were pooled and analyzed by age (≥65 and <65 years). Analyses based on Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) total score included mean change from baseline (CFB); clinically meaningful response (≥30% improvement [AIMS-30%]); and protocol-defined response (≥50% improvement [AIMS-50%]). Additional analyses included response thresholds for Clinical Global Improvement-Tardive Dyskinesia and Patient Global Impression of Change as follows: rating of “minimally improved” or better (score ≤3) at Week 48 (CGI-TD≤3, PGIC≤3); rating of “much improved” or “very much improved” (score ≤2) at Week 48 (CGI-TD≤2, PGIC≤2).