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2022 Annual Meeting | C150 - EEG: Normal EEG, Normal Variants, and How to Avoid the Common Pitfall of Overreading

Thursday 04/07/22
07:00 AM - 09:00 AM PDT Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program will be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Aatif M. Husain, MD
Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG)
Participants should appreciate the basic normal EEG patterns; recognize common normal variants; and understand how to minimize the chance of misinterpretation of normal EEG. This program complements EEG: Focal, Diffuse, and Epileptiform Abnormalities in Adults & EEG: Neonatal and Pediatric but covers independent topics.
2.00 CME credits
Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Medical Knowledge, Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Fellow, Resident, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurohospitalist, Medical Student
Case-based, Didactic, Audience Participation

Program Materials Program Evaluations

Event Timeline
07:00 AM - 07:05 AM PDT Speaker Introduction
Aatif M. Husain, MD
07:00 AM - 07:00 AM PDT Speaker Walk-in Slides
Aatif M. Husain, MD
07:05 AM - 07:40 AM PDT Speaker Normal EEG Patterns
Meriem K. Bensalem Owen, MD
07:40 AM - 08:15 AM PDT Speaker Normal EEG Variants
Aatif M. Husain, MD
08:15 AM - 08:50 AM PDT Speaker Avoiding EEG Reading Pitfalls
08:50 AM - 09:00 AM PDT Q&A Questions and Answers
Aatif M. Husain, MD, Meriem K. Bensalem Owen, MD,
Faculty Disclosures
Aatif M. Husain, MD Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Marinus Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for PranaQ. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Eisai Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for UCB Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Merck . Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for UniQure. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Marinus Pharmaceutical. Dr. Husain has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as an officer or member of the Board of Directors for International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. The institution of Dr. Husain has received research support from Marinus Pharmaecuticals. The institution of Dr. Husain has received research support from PranaQ. Dr. Husain has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. Dr. Husain has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. Dr. Husain has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. Dr. Husain has a non-compensated relationship as a Vice Chair of CNP MOC committee with American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology that is relevant to AAN interests or activities.
Meriem K. Bensalem Owen, MD Dr. Bensalem Owen has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Principle Investigator (PI) with Xenon. Dr. Bensalem Owen has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a PI with UCB. Dr. Bensalem Owen has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a PI with NeuroPace.
No disclosure on file