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2023 Annual Meeting | H295 - Brain and Planetary Health: The Connections Between Neurology and Climate Change (Innovation Hub)

Wednesday 04/26/23
02:00 PM - 02:30 PM EST Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program is not expected to be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Hubs (Innovation)
Ali Saad, MD, FAAN, Andrew Dhawan, MD, Daniel Pastula, MD, MHS, FAAN
General Neurology, Global Health and Neuroepidemiology
In this 30 min session, three neurologists will speak on the current and projected impacts of climate change on neurological diseases. We will then present actions clinicians can take to address and mitigate these health effects.

Describe how climate change is caused by human activity
Understand the connections between airborne pollutants and the incidence, severity, and presentation of neurologic disease
Understand and describe the quality of evidence from population studies examining climate as it relates to neurologic disease
Describe how study methodology may be improved when examining neurologic health as it relates to planetary health
Describe two arboviral diseases and their neurologic complications
Describe how climate change may be affecting their (and their vectors’) geographic range
Learn what those taking care of people with neurological disease can do to address and mitigate climate change effects on brain health
0.00 CME credit
Event Timeline
02:00 PM - 02:30 PM EST Speaker Brain and Planetary Health: The Connections Between Neurology and Climate Change
Daniel Pastula, MD, MHS, FAAN, Ali Saad, MD, FAAN, Andrew Dhawan, MD
Faculty Disclosures
Ali Saad, MD, FAAN Dr. Saad has nothing to disclose.
Andrew Dhawan, MD Dr. Dhawan has nothing to disclose.
Daniel Pastula, MD, MHS, FAAN Dr. Pastula has nothing to disclose.