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2024 Annual Meeting | H204 - Standardization of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Tools: An EHR Vendor and Parkinson Foundation Collaboration (Practice and Policy Hub)

Wednesday 04/17/24
08:45 AM - 09:15 AM MDT Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program will be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Hubs (Practice and Policy)
Allan D. Wu, MD, FAAN
Practice, Policy, and Ethics
Participants should become familiar with how a collaboration between Epic Systems, an EHR vendor, and the Parkinson Foundation helped develop standardized EHR solutions to reduce risks to persons with Parkinson’s disease; how work is being applied in the the Parkinson Foundation Hospital Safety Collaborative; and learn to describe for one’s practice the advantages and limitations of leveraging standardized neurology content provided at an EHR vendor level.
0.50 CME credit
Practice-based Learning and Improvement, Systems-based Practice, Quality Improvement
Fellow, Resident, Specialist Neurologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurohospitalist, Medical Student
Audience Participation

Program Evaluations

Event Timeline
08:45 AM - 08:55 AM MDT Introduction Introduction
Allan D. Wu, MD, FAAN
08:55 AM - 09:05 AM MDT Speaker Epic Foundation Tools for Neurology
Kelly Mundth
09:05 AM - 09:15 AM MDT Speaker Parkinson Foundation Hospital Safety Collaborative
Allan D. Wu, MD, FAAN
Faculty Disclosures
Allan D. Wu, MD, FAAN An immediate family member of Dr. Wu has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for ClearView Health. Dr. Wu has a non-compensated relationship as a Neuroscience Steering Board with Epic that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Wu has a non-compensated relationship as a Subject Matter Expert Panel with Michael J Fox Foundation that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Wu has a non-compensated relationship as a Advisory Committee with Parkinson Foundation that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Wu has a non-compensated relationship as a Advisory Board with Brain and Life that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. An immediate family member of Dr. Wu has a non-compensated relationship as a Board Member with Illinois State Neurologic Society that is relevant to AAN interests or activities.
Kelly Mundth Kelly Mundth has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Epic.