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2019 Annual Meeting | C79 - Differential Diagnosis of Neurologic Infections

Monday 05/06/19
07:00 AM - 09:00 AM EDT Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program is not expected to be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Michael R. Wilson, MD, FAAN
Infectious Disease, Autoimmune Neurology
Participants should be able to improve their ability to form a more precise differential diagnosis of possible neurologic infections, and to recognize specific laboratory tests and imaging findings that can guide the differential diagnosis accordingly.
2.00 CME credits
Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Medical Knowledge, Systems-based Practice
Fellow, Resident, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist, Non-neurologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurohospitalist, Medical Student
Case-based, Didactic, Audience Participation

Program Materials Program Evaluations

Event Timeline
07:00 AM - 07:05 AM EDT Introduction Introduction
Michael R. Wilson, MD, FAAN
07:05 AM - 07:35 AM EDT Speaker Chronic Meningitis
Michael R. Wilson, MD, FAAN
07:35 AM - 07:40 AM EDT Q&A Questions and Answers
Michael R. Wilson, MD, FAAN
07:40 AM - 08:10 AM EDT Speaker Infectious Myelopathies
Marie F. Grill, MD
08:10 AM - 08:15 AM EDT Q&A Questions and Answers
Marie F. Grill, MD
08:15 AM - 08:45 AM EDT Speaker Infectious Encephalitis
Kiran Thakur, MD, FAAN
08:45 AM - 08:50 AM EDT Q&A Questions and Answers
Kiran Thakur, MD, FAAN
08:50 AM - 09:00 AM EDT Discussion Discussion/Closing Remarks
Faculty Disclosures
Michael R. Wilson, MD, FAAN Dr. Wilson has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as an officer or member of the Board of Directors for Delve Bio. Dr. Wilson has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as an Expert Witness for Cambridge Medical Experts. Dr. Wilson has stock in Delve Bio. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from Genentech / Roche. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from NIH. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from Novartis. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from Fanconi Anemia Research Foundation. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from Department of Defense. The institution of Dr. Wilson has received research support from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Dr. Wilson has received intellectual property interests from a discovery or technology relating to health care. Dr. Wilson has received intellectual property interests from a discovery or technology relating to health care. Dr. Wilson has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as a Expert Witness with US Dept of Justice.
Kiran Thakur, MD, FAAN The institution of Dr. Thakur has received research support from Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Marie F. Grill, MD Dr. Grill has nothing to disclose.