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2019 Annual Meeting | C126 - Active Management of Professionalism Lapses: A New Way of Thinking

Tuesday 05/07/19
07:00 AM - 09:00 AM EDT Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program is not expected to be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN
Research Methodology, 好色先生, and History
Participants should become familiar with the challenges with professionalism, gap between the real and idea, and consequences of professionalism lapses. Participants should also be able to describe a systems framework for professionalism, the factors leading to unprofessional behavior, and barriers to intervening in the moment. They will become familiar with competencies for building professionalism resilience and will be able to apply four steps to address professionalism lapses in the moment and describe strategies to support a culture of professionalism.
2.00 CME credits
Fellow, Resident, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist, Non-neurologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurohospitalist, Medical Student
Case-based, Didactic, Audience Participation, Other

Program Materials Program Evaluations

Event Timeline
07:00 AM - 07:10 AM EDT Introduction Role Play of Professionalism Lapse
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN, Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
07:10 AM - 07:35 AM EDT Speaker Challenges, Consequences, and Drivers of Lapses in Professionalism
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN, Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
07:35 AM - 07:45 AM EDT Speaker Reframing Professionalism as a Systems Issue and a Competency
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN, Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
07:45 AM - 08:00 AM EDT Speaker Exercise 1: Self Reflection and Discussion: Intervening For a Professionalism Lapse
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN, Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
08:00 AM - 08:20 AM EDT Speaker Four Step Strategy to Address Professionalism Lapses in the Moment
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN, Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
08:20 AM - 08:40 AM EDT Speaker Exercise 2: Practice/Role Play Using Four Steps to Address a Professionalism Lapse
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN, Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
08:40 AM - 08:50 AM EDT Speaker Success Stories: Case Examples of Intervening in the Moment
Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN
08:50 AM - 09:00 AM EDT Speaker Strategies to Support a Culture of Professionalism in the Learning Environment
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN
Faculty Disclosures
Ann N. Poncelet, MD, FAAN Dr. Poncelet has nothing to disclose.
Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN Dr. Tiryaki has nothing to disclose.