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2019 Annual Meeting | C238 - Case Studies in the ICU

Thursday 05/09/19
07:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program is not expected to be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Case Studies Program
Katharina M. Busl, MD, MS, FAAN
Neuro Trauma, Critical Care, and Sports Neurology
Upon completion of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of commonly encountered challenges in the diagnosis and management of acute neurologic injury or disease in the critically ill patient. Participants will be able to integrate evidence-based guidelines and management recommendations into into their assessment and recommendations.
3.00 CME credits
Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Medical Knowledge, Practice-based Learning and Improvement, Systems-based Practice
Neurohospitalist, Advanced Practice Provider
Fellow, Resident, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist, Non-neurologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurohospitalist
Case-based, Audience Participation

Program Materials Program Evaluations

Event Timeline
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM EDT Speaker Catastrophic Brain Injury, Brain Death, and Rapidly Deteriorating Challenges
Katharina M. Busl, MD, MS, FAAN
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM EDT Speaker Seizures, Status Epilepticus, and Continuous EEG
Brandon P. Foreman, MD
09:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT Speaker Traumatic Brain Injury and Prognostication After Acute Brain Injury
Brian Edlow, MD
Faculty Disclosures
Katharina M. Busl, MD, MS, FAAN Dr. Busl has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as a Consultant for Rissman Law. Dr. Busl has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for Society of Critical Care Medicine. The institution of Dr. Busl has received research support from University of Florida Self Insurance Program. The institution of Dr. Busl has received research support from National Institutes of Health. Dr. Busl has a non-compensated relationship as a Board Member with Art in Medicine that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Busl has a non-compensated relationship as a Associate Editor with Critical Care Explorations that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Busl has a non-compensated relationship as a Editorial Board Member with Neurocritical Care that is relevant to AAN interests or activities.
Brandon P. Foreman, MD Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for UCB Pharma Inc. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Ceribell, Inc. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Sage Therapeutics. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Marinus Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $50,000-$99,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for UCB Pharma Inc.. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from DOD/AMRMC. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from Biogen, Inc.. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from DOD/AFRL. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from NSF SCH:INT. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from NIH/NIBIB. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from DOD/JWMRP. The institution of Dr. Foreman has received research support from Marinus Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Honoraria with Natus Medical Incorporated. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Honoraria with Ceribell, Inc.. Dr. Foreman has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Peer-to-peer program honoraria with Marinus Pharmaceuticals.
Brian Edlow, MD Dr. Edlow has received research support from NIH.