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2020 Virtual Fall Conference Search

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Friday 11/06/20
10:00 AM-10:35 AM CST
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C1 - Welcome and Introduction to the Day and Keynote Address: Neurologic Impacts of COVID-19
Both in-person and online On Demand
10:35 AM-11:05 AM CST
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Exhibit Hall Break
Both in-person and online On Demand
11:05 AM-11:35 AM CST
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C2 - Neurology Update 1: Epilepsy
Both in-person and online On Demand
11:05 AM-11:35 AM CST
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C3 - Practice Management 1: Coding Update: E/M
Both in-person and online On Demand
11:05 AM-1:05 PM CST
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N1 - Neuroscience in the Clinic: Genetic Testing for Common Neurodegenerative Disorders
Both in-person and online On Demand
11:35 AM-12:05 PM CST
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Exhibit Hall Break
Both in-person and online On Demand
12:05 PM-12:35 PM CST
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C4 - Neurology Update 2: Headache
Both in-person and online On Demand
12:05 PM-12:35 PM CST
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C5 - Practice Management 2: Mastering the Regulatory and Legislative Landscape in 2021
Both in-person and online On Demand
12:35 PM-1:05 PM CST
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Special Interest Group Networking: Advanced Practice Providers
Both in-person and online On Demand
12:35 PM-1:05 PM CST
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Special Interest Group Networking: Business Administrators
Both in-person and online On Demand
1:05 PM-1:35 PM CST
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C6 - Neurology Update 3: Neuro-ophthalmology
Both in-person and online On Demand
1:05 PM-1:35 PM CST
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C7 - Beyond the Bedside
Both in-person and online On Demand
1:05 PM-2:35 PM CST
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Exhibit Hall Break
Both in-person and online On Demand
1:35 PM-2:05 PM CST
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Industry Therapeutic Update from Teva CNS: Spotlight on AJOVY
Both in-person and online On Demand
2:05 PM-2:35 PM CST
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C8 - Curbside Consults: Neuro-oncology
Both in-person and online On Demand
2:05 PM-2:35 PM CST
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C9 - Practice Management 3: Payer Contract Analysis and Negotiating Strategies
Both in-person and online On Demand
2:35 PM-3:05 PM CST
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Exhibit Hall Break
Both in-person and online On Demand
2:35 PM-3:05 PM CST
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Industry Therapeutic Update from Bristol Myers Squibb: A Once-Daily S1P Receptor Modulator for Patients with Relapsing Forms of MS
Both in-person and online
3:05 PM-3:35 PM CST
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C10 - NeuroExam: Telemedicine
Both in-person and online On Demand
3:05 PM-3:35 PM CST
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C11 - Practice Management 4: Revenue Cycle Optimization
Both in-person and online On Demand
3:05 PM-3:35 PM CST
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C12 - Continuum® Test Your Knowledge: A Multiple-choice Question Review 1: Neuromuscular Disorders
Both in-person and online On Demand
3:35 PM-4:05 PM CST
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Exhibit Hall Break
Both in-person and online On Demand
4:05 PM-4:20 PM CST
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C13 - How to Combat Burnout/Practicing Resilience
Both in-person and online On Demand
4:05 PM-4:35 PM CST
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C14 - Practice Management 5: Building Service Lines in Your Practice
Both in-person and online On Demand
4:05 PM-4:35 PM CST
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C15 - Continuum® Test Your Knowledge 2: A Multiple-choice Question Review: Autoimmune Neurology
Both in-person and online On Demand
4:20 PM-4:35 PM CST
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C16 - Deciding Between Academic Medicine and Private Practice
Both in-person and online On Demand
4:35 PM-5:05 PM CST
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Neurology Talent Featuring Phillip L. Pearl, MD, FAAN
Both in-person and online On Demand
4:35 PM-5:05 PM CST
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Industry Therapeutic Update from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation: Discussing High Efficacy Therapy in RMS Patients
Both in-person and online
Saturday 11/07/20