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Abstract Details

Short-Term Home-Based Lifestyle Management Helps Reduce Weight and Improve Quality of Life in Persons with Epilepsy
Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG)
N4 - Neuroscience in the Clinic: The Neurology of Obesity (4:45 PM-5:00 PM)
Obesity contributes for higher cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in PWE. Since most PWE avoid conventional gymnasiums for the fear of a seizure and dependence on others for commute, we aimed to evaluate the role of home based exercise, diet and lifestyle programs in weight reduction in PWE
To evaluate the role of three months, home based lifestyle management in reducing weight and improving quality of life (QOL) in obese people with epilepsy (PWE)
In this prospective study, 70 obese PWE with seizure controlled on anti-epileptic drugs, attending out-patient epilepsy clinic were enrolled between February 2016 and February 2019. Data on anthropometry and physical activity was obtained. Self-reported SF-12 questionnaire was used to assess QoL, Physical component score (PCS) and Mental Component Score (MCS) were derived from SF-12. Lifestyle intervention was home-based and included, counselling session about healthy weight, exercise and physical activity videos and counselling by dietician. Follow-up on telephone was done at intervals of 4 weeks to ensure compliance. Outcome assessment was done at 12 weeks from baseline.      
The mean age of the cohort was 26.45±9.85 years with 43(61.4%) men. The mean body mass index was 30.75±6.73 and waist-hip ratio of 0.97±0.08. At three months follow-up, 40(57.4%) lost weight, 11(15.7%) neither gained nor lost weight, 19(27.1%) PWE gained weight. There was significant reduction in average weight (80.4±16.1 vs 77.7±17.6; p=0.042) and improvement in PCS(45.8±8.2 vs 50.9±6.7; p<0.001) and MCS(45.8±10.2 vs 54.4±8.3; p<0.001) scores at the latest follow-up.  None of the patients reported seizure or events during or with in sixty minute of exercise.

Home based, short-term lifestyle interventions are safe and help PWE lose weight and improve quality of life. Physicians should increasingly advice lifestyle management among PWE. The implications of our findings on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in PWE should be evaluated.

Sudhindra Vooturi, PT (Department of Neurology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences)
Dr. Vooturi has nothing to disclose.
Praveen K. Yada, MD (Medwiz Healthcare Communications Pvt Ltd) No disclosure on file
Sita J. Sattaluri (Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences) Dr. Sattaluri has nothing to disclose.