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Abstract Details

Different Effects of Expression of Wild-Type and Mutant Human[alpha]-Synucleins on PC12 Cells Treated with MPP+
Neurogenetics and Gene Therapy
Ya-Ping Yang (Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University) No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Chunfeng Liu (The Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow Uni) No disclosure on file
Matthew A. McCoyd, MD (Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine) Dr. McCoyd has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Genzyme. Dr. McCoyd has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for EMD Serono.
Nilufer Taner, MD, PhD, FAAN (Mayo Clinic) The institution of Dr. Taner has received research support from NIH.