Orna O'Toole, MB, BCh, BAO MD
(Mercy University Hospital)
Dr. O'Toole has nothing to disclose. |
Jenny Linnoila, MD, PhD
(University Neurology Associates, UPMC)
Dr. Linnoila has received research support from NIH/NINDS. Dr. Linnoila has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as a expert respondent on autoimmune encephalitis with U.S. government/DHHS/vaccine injury compensation program. |
Timothy Lynch, MD
(Dublin Neurological Institute,)
Dr. Lynch has nothing to disclose. |
John P. O'Dwyer, MD, MA, MB, MRCP
No disclosure on file |
Stephen J. Howell, MD
(Royal Hallamshire Hospital)
No disclosure on file |
No disclosure on file |
No disclosure on file |