Child Neurology
Quality Measures
Find measures to improve care for your child and adolescent patients.
Child Neurology Measures (2016)
Measure Specifications
First Line Treatment for Infantile Spasms
Rescue Seizure Therapy for Children with Epilepsy
Time to Third Line Therapy for RCSE
Neuropsychological/neurodevelopmental Screening
Screening for Co-morbid Conditions of TD or TS
Management of Co-morbid Symptoms of TD or TS
Behavioral Therapy for Chronic TD or TS
Transition from Pediatric Neurology to Adult Neurology
Psychological Interventions for Chronic Headache
Inpatient and Emergency (2015)
Measure Specifications
Multiple Sclerosis (2014)
Reaffirmed July 29, 2017
Measure Specifications
- Multiple sclerosis diagnosis
- Comparison MRI within 24 months of MS diagnosis
- Current MS disability scale score
- Fall risk screening for patients with MS
- Bladder infections for patients with MS
- Exercise and appropriate physical activity counseling for patients with MS
- Fatigue outcome for patients with MS
- Cognitive impairment testing for patients with MS
- Clinical depression screening for patients with MS
- Depression outcome for patients with MS
- Maintained or improved baseline quality of life for patients with MS
Epilespy (2017)
Measure Specifications
Headache (2013)
Measure Specifications
- Medication prescribed for acute migraine attack
- Overuse of opioid containing medication for primary headache disorders
- Assessment of medication overuse headache in the treatment of primary headaches disorders
- Plan of care or referral for possible medication overuse headache
- Overuse of neuroimaging for patients with primary headache and a normal neurological examination
- Quality of life assessment for patients with primary headache disorders
- Migraine or cervicogenic headache related disability functional status
- Plan of care for migraine or cervicogenic headache developed or reviewed
Muscular Dystrophy (2013)
Reaffirmed October 27, 2017
Measure Specifications
- Patients with DMD prescribed appropriate disease modifying pharmaceutical therapy
- MD multidisciplinary care plan developed or updated
- Evaluation of pulmonary status ordered
- Evaluation of cardiac status ordered
- Scoliosis evaluation ordered
- Patient referred for physical, occupational, or speech/swallowing therapy
- Nutrition status or growth trajectories monitored
- Patient queried about pain and pain interference with function
- Patient counseled about advanced health care decision making palliative care, or end of life issues
Measures Under Development
Child Neurology - Update in process with publication planned 2025
Epilepsy - Update in process
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